Local ssh Config and Terraform
It was always painful to login into newly created VMs. You had to find out the dynamically allocated IP address, remember your keys etc. Here is a simple way to login in instances that were created by terraform.
I had a little project with a public accessable server (puppetmaster) and a server (postgresdb) in a private network.
NOTE: Yes, I know, a puppetserver should never be public accessable :-)
Create a template file, let’s say ssh_config.tmpl
Host puppetmaster
HostName ${puppetmaster_public_ip}
User ec2-user
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/${key_name}.pem
Host database
HostName ${database_private_ip}
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/${key_name}.pem
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p puppetmaster
Substitute the placeholders with the returned IPs from the generated resources:
data "template_file" "ssh_config" {
template = file("templates/local/ssh_config.tmpl")
vars = {
database_private_ip = aws_instance.postgresdb.private_ip,
puppetmaster_public_ip = aws_instance.puppetmaster.public_ip
key_name = var.key_name
Write this out as an ssh config file:
variable ssh_include_path {}
resource "local_file" "ssh_config" {
content = data.template_file.ssh_config.rendered
filename = "${var.ssh_include_path}/ssh_config.out"
Including the generated file by your ssh config you should now be able to login with:
ssh puppetmaster
You can also log in to the database server that is in a private subnet, because of the ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p puppetmaster
in the ssh config. You will be automatically proxied with the appropriate user and private key!
ssh database